The Atkinson Lab Server Portal

Welcome! Here we provide access to our online tools and services.

Tools and Databases


iLund4u is a bioinformatics tool for search and annotation of accessory genes and hotspots in a large set of proteomes. With web version you can find whether homologues of your query protein are encoded in variable islands and hotspots.


Interactive NetFlax (Network-FlaGs for toxins and antitoxins) predicted toxin-antitoxin pairs interface with structural predictions.


Predicting protein functional association in microbial and viral genomes by analysis of conservation of genomic context (Flanking Genes).


A bioinformatics tool for conserved uORF annotation in 5′ upstream sequences of a user-defined protein of interest or a set of protein homologues. It can also be used to find small ORFs within a set of nucleotide sequences.


A simple visualisation tool for Multiple Sequence Alignments.
Supported input: Multiple sequence alignments or unaligned sequences in fasta format.


The Atkinson lab Home Page

We are located at the BMC as part of the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden 🇸🇪

Mailing address:
Gemma Atkinson
BMC, Lund University
Sölvegatan 17, C13, 223 62 Lund, Sweden

You can also contact us by e-mail:

Gemma C. Atkinson, Group Leader

Artyom A. Egorov, PhD student and developer
artem.egorov(at) (for technical questions)

Server news & updates

- First version of iLund4u web version is available supporting protein search against iLund4u databases.

- New NetFlax-predicted toxin-antitoxin pairs interface is now available.

- Updated webFlaGs is now available.

- First release is now online; Currently uORF4u and MSA4u are available; new version of webFlaGs is under construction.